
Zetta: Latest Release Highlights

| 5 min read

In the world of cloud data platforms, staying updated on trends is key. That’s where the Zetta Platform comes in.

Zetta helps businesses with smooth connections, better visualization, stronger security, and scalability. It’s designed for both the cloud and smaller controllers.

This updated version of Zetta brings new features and improvements. It marks the start of a more efficient era for handling applications across different systems.

Enhanced Graph Visualization

This release comes with much better graph visuals. We’ve made it easier for users to see complex Zenoh networks. Our visualization tools now give clear insights into data.

Users can now easily explore connected devices, sensors, and data streams. This helps them quickly grasp what’s going on and find useful information.

Enhanced Graph Visualization for the Zetta Platform

Customer-Provided Certificates

Security is super important in spread-out setups. This new version steps up by supporting certificates from customers.

This lets organizations use their current security setup, making sure everything is encrypted and authenticated from start to finish without losing flexibility.

Zetta makes it easy by connecting smoothly with existing certificate authorities. This helps users keep top-notch security while making their tasks simpler

Customer-Provided Certificate for security for the Zetta Platform
Customer-Provided Certificate for the router for the Zetta Platform

Zenoh 0.10.1 Integration

Zetta is all about staying up-to-date with new tech. Integrating Zenoh 0.10.1 shows how serious we are about this.

Zenoh is super scalable and reduces delays, making data handling super efficient. It’s great for robotics, cars, and any system connecting cloud and microcontrollers.

With Zenoh 0.10.1, Zetta can process data in real-time, helping communication and analysis happen faster across different systems. Check out our Zenoh to learn more!

Zenoh 0.10.1 Integration

New Databases

Zetta is now compatible with more databases like InfluxDB v2 and S3.

This means users can easily connect with their favorite data storage options, opening up new ways to use data for better decisions.

Whether you need to manage time-series data or use scalable cloud storage, Zetta helps you make the most of your data.

Support for New Databases for the Zetta Platform

Protocol Bridges

Zetta helps connect various systems by supporting bridges like MQTT, DDS, and ROS2. This means devices and systems can talk to each other easily, even if they use different protocols or setups.

Zetta breaks down barriers between old and new tech, or between different areas, making everything work together smoothly.

Introducing Support for Protocol Bridges for the Zetta Platform
New bridges introduced for the Zetta Platform

Router Size

Users can now pick their router size in the cloud. It’s a new feature. Scalability matters a lot. This feature helps organizations customize their infrastructure to fit their needs. Zetta ensures top performance and efficiency. It doesn’t matter if you’re handling a small or large Zenoh network.
Introducing the ability for users to select the size of their router on the cloud in the Zetta Platform


In Zetta, you can now check your router stats.

This new feature lets Zetta users explore their Zenoh networks more deeply. You get important insights and improve performance a lot. Whether you’re watching machines in a factory, smart gadgets at home, or environmental sensors, having access to router metrics helps you make better choices and make your setups better.



The new Zetta Platform is here, changing how we handle data everywhere, from big servers to tiny controllers. It brings better visuals, security, and can work with more things like robots, cars, and IoT gadgets.

Whether you’re dealing with tricky networks, keeping data safe, or getting ready for bigger things, Zetta can help you do it smarter.

Experience the power of the Zetta Platform and embark on your journey towards IoT excellence today. If you want to see a demo and talk with our engineers, send us an email at




ZettaScale’s mission is to bring to every connected human and machine the unconstrained freedom to communicate, compute and store — anywhere, at any scale, efficiently and securely.

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