Zetta Radio: Talking with Geoffrey Biggs about Powering the World’s Robots with ROS

This Zetta Radio episode takes a unique turn from our usual content. We have Geoffrey Biggs, CTO of the Open Source Robotics Foundation, as our guest. He discusses the inception of OSRF and its critical impact on the evolution of robotics. The conversation also covers the democratisation of robotics and the importance of building a collaborative community to spur innovation. Tune in!

Over the years, ROS has grown to become a massive project with thousands of users and hundreds of companies building products on it. The list of companies using ROS includes industry giants like Bosch, Sony, and Amazon, as well as a multitude of smaller startups and research organisations.

In addition to ROS, OSRF has developed other critical open-source projects for the robotics community, such as Gazebo and Open-RMF. The foundation’s role has evolved from simply maintaining ROS to actively identifying and addressing the needs of the broader robotics ecosystem.

One of the key contributions of OSRF was bringing a strong software engineering perspective to the field of robotics. Historically, robotics platforms were often developed by roboticists, but the introduction of ROS and Gazebo has helped to “softwaterise” the industry. It made it more accessible and flexible for developers of all backgrounds.

This shift has been crucial for the rapid growth and adoption of robotics technologies in all fields. It enabled a new wave of innovation and collaboration across the industry.

By championing open-source software and fostering a collaborative community, the OSRF is paving the way for a future where robotics is accessible, innovative, and transformative.

Give this Zetta Radio episode a listen and let us know your thoughts. You can find more episodes on our website.

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