Zenoh’s Comics – September 2023

Last week was the National Coding Week!

At ZettaScale, we take learning and education very seriously. 

  • Every year in May, we host a hackathon in partnership with our local university Université Paris-Saclay (one of the top universities in the world) so the young generation of developers can test their skills and get feedback.
  • One of the teachers attended our Zenoh Summit last year and hosted a presentation on using Zenoh for Teaching and Research. You can see it on YouTube.
  • We offer six months internships in our French office. Our third intern is currently working on Zenoh Flow guided by our team. We recorded a podcast episode with one of our previous interns regarding his experience at ZettaScale and you’ll be able to listen to it later this year.
  • Over 50% of our engineers hold a PhD or are considering furthering their studies.


If you know how to code, you can build the future!

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