Zenoh’s Comics – January 2024

We wish you a happy, joyful and successful 2024! We want to start the year with a big THANK YOU for supporting our projects.

A few days ago, GitHub released their stats and in 2023, developers made 301 million total contributions to open-source projects across their platform.

We are happy to be part of the open-source community, along with everyone who contributed last year to improving Zenoh and Cyclone DDS on GitHub. We have over 100 active contributors adding their work in Rust, C, C++ and a few other languages.

We have come a long way since the very first commit on Cyclone DDS in December 2017 and the first one on Zenoh in 2020.

Our team will continue to work hard and we hope you’ll enjoy your journey with us! Luca Cominardi (our Head of Technology) has already announced the upcoming Zenoh features for this year. 

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