Angelo Corsaro, Ramzi Karoui, Phani Gangula, Daniela Nastase

ZettaScale x EclipseCon 2023

| 5 min read

EclipseCon 2023 promises to be what the open-source community has been craving since the pandemic – a big family meeting with new and old friends. At ZettaScale, we’re happy to be part of this family.

As a company, we are committed to open source technology. We are the major contributors of Eclipse Zenoh and Eclipse Cyclone DDS and have been part of the Eclipse family since 2018. Our Zettlers have been active in the community before then. 

As a testament to our commitment, we launched our Zetta on the Radio podcast this week. Our inaugural episode is about the role of open source technology in the modern world. It also features an interview with one of our close friends from the Eclipse Foundation, Frédéric Desbiens (Program Manager for IoT and Edge Computing). You can listen to it here.

Going back to EclipseCon, if you’re curious to see which Zettler you can meet there, keep reading. At booth 9, you’ll be able to discuss with (from top left to right):

  • Angelo Corsaro, our CEO & CTO (LinkedIn)
  • Ramzi Karoui, Senior Solution Architect (LinkedIn)
  • Phani Gnagula, Senior Solution Architect (LinkedIn)
  • Daniela Nastase, Digital Marketing Specialist (LinkedIn)
ZettaScale team at EclipseCon 2023

When talking about ZettaScale’s presence at EclipseCon and unifying communication with Eclipse Zenoh,this year, we’re taking things to the next level. We’re proud to be EclipseCon sponsors and part of the team enabling this event to take place for our open-source community.

As part of our efforts, we decided to dive straight in and prepare several talks for those interested in Eclipse Zenoh and unifying communication, storage and computation from the cloud to the microcontroller. 

If you’re new here, you can learn more about Zenoh on our website or watch our Head of Technology, Luca Cominardi, showing you how you can get started with Zenoh below. Since Zenoh is open source, you can install it yourself and test it while following the video.

So, where can you find our team? There are two ways to spot a Zettler in a crowd.

  • Eclipse Zenoh for IoT Communication On the Stage

On Monday, you can hear about Eclipse Zenoh updates from the project lead, Angelo Corsaro, at 9:45 am in FMZ Präsentationsraum. You can see the official agenda for the Eclipse IoT Community Day on the Eclipse website.

Later on Monday, we’ll also be at the Software Defined Vehicles Community Day (official agenda) hosted by Eclipse SDV. There we’ll introduce Eclipse Zenoh as part of the new SDV projects. We’ll talk about unifying car communication from the MCU to the Cloud. You can find us at 3 pm in the Bürgersaal 2.  

On Tuesday, we have two talks in Seminarräume 1 – 3:

  • Energy Consumption and Communication Protocols at 2:25 pm. Besides discussing energy efficiency, this presentation will provide an analytic comparison of the most used protocols, such as MQTT, DDS and Zenoh. You can see the abstract on the EclipseCon website.
  • Unifying Communication, Storage and Computation from the Cloud to the Microcontroller at 3:10 pm. The goal of this presentation is to introduce Eclipse Zenoh to new members of the Eclipse community. You can see the summary of this talk on the EclipseCon website.

Finally, if you want to discover a new way to scale DDS and MQTT painlessly, listen to our colleague, Phani Gangula (Senior Solution Architect) on Wednesday at 10:10 am in Wilhelm-Krämer-Zimmer room. The abstract of his presentation is on the EclipseCon website.

  • At Booth 9

The real fun starts at our booth! 

Live demo with Zenoh for TurtleBot: If you’re new and have just discovered Eclipse Zenoh, come to our booth for a live demo. We’ll showcase the seamless connectivity of devices over the Internet and the ability to bridge diverse protocols, including DDS and MQTT, using Zenoh. Our demo spotlights a Turtlebot that can be remotely operated over the Internet. It’ll simultaneously controlled via a Zigbee-MQTT button, all facilitated by Zenoh. If you’re eager to witness the robot’s graceful manoeuvres, we welcome you to our booth. 

On the other hand, if you’ve been using Zenoh for some time, come meet our team to learn what is coming up and our plans for 2024. We’d also love to hear your feedback and experience as we’re constantly trying to improve the dragon for our community.

At the same time, we prepared cool merchandise for those brave enough to enter our Treasure Hunt challenge. The rules are simple and you can see them by scanning the QR code from the challenge card you’ll receive at our booth.

If you’re among the first 10 people to complete the challenge for that day, come back to the booth to claim your Zetta merchandise. We’ll soon launch a new line of merch, so you can be among the first to get them!

  • Online External Resources

You can hear what other organisations think of Zenoh by accessing our LinkedIn materials below.

National Taiwan University: Performance Comparison for Zenoh, DDS, MQTT and Kafka

Performance Comparison for Zenoh, DDS, MQTT and Kafka

Open Robotics: Zenoh named the Alternative Middleware for ROS 2

Zenoh named the Alternative Middleware for ROS 2

Amazon names Zenoh as one of the promising key application protocols for IoT

Zenoh: promising key IoT application protocols

ITU-T Technical Report on Automated Driving Safety Data Protocol

ITU-T Technical Report on Automated Driving Safety

We have a few more aces on our sleeve, but we’ll let you discover them at EclipseCon. See you soon!




ZettaScale’s mission is to bring to every connected human and machine the unconstrained freedom to communicate, compute and store — anywhere, at any scale, efficiently and securely.

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